Burgage plots ##
Burgage plots provide living spaces and are one of the primary buildings in Manor Lords. Burgage plots use the flexible plots system and require two timber per building.
A burgage plot, when made sufficient, can then be equipped with an single extension.
A variety of extensions exist that produce either food or resources. Certain extensions, such as the apple orchard and armorer's workshop, require the player to invest a development point (DP) before they can be built.
Burgage plots are a crucial part of gaining development points DP-s.
Use ##
Burgage plots are the only permanent source of housing in the game, with the standard house having one living space (at first). With a plot marking satisfied, able to upgrade to accommodate two fathers and mothers (families).
Each living space can hold one family, comprised of multiple people. They require two timber to place and are flexible.
flexible plots allows multiple housing plots to be placed at once and for different plot shapes to be created.
Each home requires resources which can be bought from a marketplace by a resident of the home, fulfilling resouce requirements ℹ️ for each home.
Level two1 Homes can hold armaments for the militiamen in the household, with two of each weapon and piece of armor being allowed to be stocked in the house at once.
Burgage plots are an integral part of the development points system (DPS), with them being required for point obtainment. Each settlement tier requires a certain amount of level one, two, and three burgage plots to advance.
If a burgage plot has been made sufficient for an extension,has enough space backwards, it can thus support a backyard extension, which will add extra functionality to the building.
Backyard extensions that require burgage plot(2) ℹ️ will convert all inhabitants to artisans, locking them from being assigned other jobs.
If they have multiple production options only one can be chosen.
Level one backyard extensions can be replaced, but level two and three ones cannot. | | | | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | | | | | | | |
Backyard extension | Required level | Cost | Produces | Required DB2 |
'''Vegetable garden'''3 | 1 | 15 Regional wealth | Vegetables ( ℹ️ )3 | |
'''Chicken coop''' | 1 | 25 Regional wealth | Eggs | |
'''Goat shed''' | 1 | 25 Regional wealth | Hides | |
'''Apple orchard'''4 | 1 | 50 Regional wealth | Apples ( ℹ️ ) | Orchardry |
Backyard extension | Required level | Cost | Produces | Required DB2 |
'''Bowyer's workshop''' | 2 | 4 ![]() | Warbows from planks | |
'''Joiner's workshop''' | 2 | 4 ![]() | Wooden parts from planks Small shields from planks Large shields from planks | |
'''Brewery extension''' | 2 | 5 ![]() 5 Regional wealth | Ale from malt | |
'''Cobbler's workshop''' | 2 | 5 ![]() 5 Regional wealth | Shoes from leather | |
'''Tailor's workshop''' | 2 | 5 ![]() 5 Regional wealth | Clothes from linen and dyes Cloaks from yarn and dyes Gambesons from linen | |
'''Blacksmith's workshop''' | 2 | 5 ![]() 5 Regional wealth | Tools from iron Slabs Sidearms from iron slabs Spears from iron slabs and planks Polearms from iron slabs and planks | |
'''Bakery extension''' | 2 | 5 ![]() 5 Regional wealth | Bread from flour (twice as efficient as the communal oven) | Bakeries |
'''Armorer's workshop''' | 2 | 4 ![]() 10 Regional wealth | Helmets from iron slabs Mail armor from iron slabs (requires Advanced armormaking) Player armor from iron slabs (requires Master armor-making) | Basic armoring |
development branch
If you're going to do veggies always make sure your burgage plot can get the additional house extension. That way you'll have two families working it. Same with apples
@oliverholmes210 {#oliverholmes}
A great note to the veggie plots is the bigger the size the more people you need living there. I had one massive field plot that got less then a quarter of the output I was hoping for because it was level one house

Level 1
All plots placed down initially start off as level one burgage plots. These plots can be upgraded to have certain backyard extensions for Regional Wealth. Level one burgage plots can hold 15 items in its generic storage and 25 items in its pantry, but cannot store any armaments. Base burgage plots have one living space, but like all plots that meet the required size, can be upgraded to add an additional living space.
Level 2
Upon upgrading to the second level, the home will undergo a construction phase. Following the completion of construction, the building will become noticeably taller and better kept. Level two plots can now hold 45 things in its generic storage and 75 foodstuffs in its pantry. Upgrading to the second level also unlocks the rest of the backyard extension options. Level two plots also begin generating one Regional Wealth per month.
Level 3
Level three homes are even larger and taller than level two homes, with it being able now to hold 150 items in the generic storage and pantry. These homes are now able to generate two Regional Wealth monthly and can support an extra living space.
Quick Start
Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya DDan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dna Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam TTiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu Quick Start →
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Allahu akhbar Kabiiraa
Walhamdu lillaahi katsiraa
Wa subhannallahi bukratan wa ashilaa
La ilaaha ilallaahuu Wahdahuu ;laa syariika lah
Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu Yuhyii wa yumiitu Wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai'in qadir
Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya DDan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dna Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam TTiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu Du'a →
patch points
April 26, 2024 | Added burgage plots. |
April 26, 2024 | Added burgage plots. |
May 31, 2024 (0.7.972) | After a fire, homeless will be quickly reassigned to available plots. |
**** | Added a market stall toggle. |
**** | Other bug fixes. |
**** |
It is quite frustrating on trading. There should be an "active trades" tab rather than manually searching for the specific goods you're trading
I hope they add fishing with rods, and the ability to upgrade to nets and a small boat. Fishing in a river would be a good addition, or even coastal fishing.
Love how you visualise the ideas... the rivers would look amazing based on your concepts.
This River looks here marvelous. I wish there will be more terrain options like: More hilly map with mountains, more rocky. To build village under mountain near river with fort over village.
@2:47 The thatch roof's are the lvl 1 burgage plots. Lvl 2 houses have wood shingles. But that could be an interesting resource needed for lvl 1 houses. The Dev has stated that Lakes, Rivers and water industry will be in the full game. I don't know at what point he will introduce it though. It would likely require new maps be made. So not likely until he is ready to introduce a new map to play on.
my manor lord mod wish list
- wooden parths that generate passive in come
- a corps pit that generates 1 raw ore per 2 dead bodys buried [ a bandet got to leave a coin or a sward right
- forced eviction mod
- calvelry men mod
- orcherd mod
- mariage mod for lord and tier 3 famalys
- convert well into pond mod fish stoke cost 100 and lasts 3 years
Milk would be good and also realistic for a food variation, as well as fish.
Those would be great additions. Here's my ideas: I would suggest giving a diplomatic function to the churches using missionaries and add a dedicated area for graves. Also, churches were used as hospitals at the time, so sick and disabled people could be taken care by the staff. Speaking of which, why not include major diseases like the bubonic plague? Churches could also be upgraded to cathedrals and become an education center. Similarly, we could upgrade the manor into castles. Those would use a massive amount of stone obviously. In the warfare, cavalry is a must. Food... i would add vineyards for wine production, and of course dairy as you mentioned. There's a salt item currently unavailable (also candles), so I think there will be coastlines, though I could be wrong. Lastly, i think the game should include more places or events for entertainment like an arena and fairs, maybe an artistic class like troubadors, bards, jesters, etc.
There's another key resource which was crucially important in medieval times: SALT! We need rock salt mines and the possibility to import/export salt, which is not only an important spice, but also crucial for food preservation.
Also with bodies of water come willows, which are the prime medieval material for basket weaving.
At the current state, this game is just lacking too much important content to be considered more than an expansive demo. Hope development of EA will significantly speed up now that Greg has millions of € at his disposal from EA sales.
Spending 45min trying to spawn in my favourite region - I hope we can choose a region in the next update!
I would love to see storms, strong winds blowing during winter darker nights, fire torches and lamps
All of them are great, and yes, especially about stone resources, mining stones is essentials to build houses, bridges and castle. Of course rivers and lakes too, especially as natural border, but I think the dev already prepare it to add those things in the future. Overall, I agree with all of your suggestions.
My hopes for the next addition in the new updates, although probably not in the near future (idk) actually something like:
I feel kinda odd that there's no kids or children, or pets (cat and dog) running around 😅. So I hope there will be children laugh, cats meowing, dogs barking, running around and playing. Wasn't cat also already used to hunting mice in medieval era? Dogs for guarding livestock and herding sheeps?
Supernatural stuff!! 😅 I mean, hello?! in Medieval era, come on! Probably expecting fighting ghost, dragon, elf and goblins is too much unrealistic 😂 (gosh, I read too much isekai) but idk, maybe just add the image/illusion of them hiding in the forrest watching human (menacingly, of course). Simply just to giving the mystery eerie vibe. Strange wolf running around in the deep dark forrest and disappear. Dun dun duun. Or Maybe for enhancing difficulties level, developer could add crazy lords, or ruler, who are into cult, kidnapping villagers and kids. I mean, let's be honest, in the modern era they're still exist. Fight them! Save and protect the villagers from this evil cuckoo!!😤
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