
Must ask: Does a Huge home plot with veggie garden produce More food than a small plot just big enough for a tiny garden? Confirm❓: For space & population efficiency one giant garden > many smalls? Because we could easily feed our vill from the start with one big garden on one big house plot, right?



Hi! do you know how to move animals from one pasture to another?


Do you place down a farmhouse first year? Second year, or third year? If first year, what do you need to build before a farmhouse?


How do we block families setting up market stalls for example the hunter you mentioned




Are be hives straight forwards . Dont need a certain type of fértiles soil or anything ? Can place in any startup plantation ?

just ask a question, any question will do


🎇Awesome, 🎇🎇now how do you get the WHEAT to plant, and more oxen and whatnot?


I've been playing this for about 10 hours and my strategy is remarkably similar to yours, but the holding TAB function is huge for me, i kept wishing there was such a feature. great video, this has been the best overview of the early game that i've seen so far!


small side note for the foragers hut. you can press the pause button so that frees that family up to go help and then unpause the hut when you want them to go back to collecting


I know how to fix your issue with trying to get granary workers to make market stalls.
So for example, if you see someone in the logging camp with a food stall, instead of remove worker and add again later, click the logging camp, go to people, and reassign that family with the stall and move them directly to the granary , they will maintain it this way and be moved to the granary or storehouse

click the logging camp → go to people → and reassign that family with the stall and move them directly to the granary →


I did very well with the first version run through. Thank you. Oh! Start using your TAB key.


Great video full of important information. For anyone wondering how he increased/decreased the size of the circle to designate areas for the woodcutters to work etc, hold down C- and use the mouse wheel.


Go further



Allahu akhbar Kabiiraa

Walhamdu lillaahi katsiraa

Wa subhannallahi bukratan wa ashilaa

La ilaaha ilallaahuu Wahdahuu ;laa syariika lah

Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu Yuhyii wa yumiitu Wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai'in qadir

Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya DDan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dna Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam TTiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu Du'a →

@danj7348(ipfs:// "u+fdfd")

Great Video, some Additions:

  • I would place the market earlier - cost you nothing and helps with approval.

  • Set someone to work in the Granary and 📦Storehouse, at least briefly, to prevent your starting resources from getting damaged in the rain. You can remove them again, after they hauled everything in.

  • Also you have enough Lumber to start on the houses from the beginning so you should make 50% Approval when you hit April.

  • No need to invest in food and firewood so early, you have 4 months of supply and your hunters will drain the local wildlife faster than it can replenish anyways.

  • Those massive Plots, kind of a waste, at least if you are planning to do some farming later. Reason is, those families will take quite some time in the vegetable garden in spring - same time when you need their workforce elsewhere - in that case it is better to go for some chicken coops. Remember: For everything except Vegetable and Orchards, size of the Plot does not matter, as long as it can fit an artisan extension.

  • Do more scouting at the beginning: Where are the aquifers, how fertile is the land so you can plan if you want to do Farming or rely on other means of food production.

  • If you forgot your woodcutters camp: You can cancel another building / demolish it if already build and you will get your logs back.

  • Way to early for the church. Better to get someone to collect some berries, food variety is enough to get over 50% for levle one plots. Only for levle two is the church required.

Each stall can hold 50📦 generic storage or 50🧺 pantry storage for distribution. They will all distribute their resources to nearby burgage plots and additionally in the case of fuel, any extra buildings that also require fuel. Sometimes family members will visit the marketplace and do a "peddling" action at the stall. There can also be various voices heard advertising goods or discussing the sales of items, but this appears to be mainly for flavor and atmospheric reasons rather than having a gameplay purpose.


That's how I start my village: • Instantly place a Granary and 📦Storehouse to prevent supplies from getting bad • Hunting camp and Forage Hut to start food production and get leather • Logging camp, put 2-3 families until 10-12 Timber • 5 Burage Plots and Well to stop homelessness and grant water access (Burage Plots smallest possible extension slot) • Woodcutter's Lodge and Sawpit for Fire Wood and Planks • First 2 Planks to upgrade Hitching Post into a small Stable. Order another Ox for 20g • 3 Marketplaces infront of the Granary and Storehouse (The families working in there should own the market stall) • Build a Trading Post, Tannery and another 5 Burage Plots with your next 18 Timber. (You can build the Burage Plots adjecent to the others without any road connected) • Sell Planks and Leather at the Trading Post, Skill into Trade Logistics and Establish trade Routes for both asap • Use the wealth to build Goat Sheds (around 20) for even more Leather • Build a Church and start Upgrading 2 Burage Plots to Level 2 (Always upgrade the ones closest to the market) • In those Extensions build a Fletcher's Workshop, establish Trade Routes and start selling warbows • Brewery Extension for the other Level 2 • Build a Tavern and Malthouse, start establish Trade Route importing malt • Build Burage Plots with Vegetable Garden (7 slot long) and Chicken Coops in Short Extensions

From there I can decide my future develepment skills (if my area has farming potential or Rich deposits) and set policies acordingly

patch points

1: May 31, 2024 (0.7.972)

Quick Start

Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya DDan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dna Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam TTiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu Quick Start →


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