Forager hut

The forager hut is a gathering building used to collect berries from the region's berry deposit. It can be upgraded to have a herb garden that allows workers to pick herbs when fully grown.


Upon placement, the forager hut will require 1 timber to be constructed. Once fully built, families can be assigned to work in it. The family members will arrive at the hut and either begin picking berries, pick herbs (if the hut has been upgraded to have a garden), set up a food stall at a marketplace, or transport berries to said stall.

Each region only has one berry deposit which grows in the spring and loses its berries in the winter. In order to pick berries, a worker must grab a basket and head over to the deposit. There they can pick the berries from a bush and return to deposit the berries into the hut's pantry. Workers will not be able to pick any berries once the deposit has run out or the season changes to winter and will be left without any work to do. When there is no work available, workers will stand around and wait, and a blue question mark icon will appear in the top bar.


Herb garden

The herb garden requires 2 planks and 25 regional wealth to construct. Upon construction, workers will now be able to pick herbs once fully grown in addition to picking berries.



I’ve been experimenting with Forager layouts. A normal deposit produces 440 berries per season, generated in 11 ticks from mid-March through mid-June. A rich deposit yields twice as much - 880 berries per season, spread between the same 11 ticks. If placed just right, 3 total workers staffed at two forager huts and one granary can fully harvest a normal node; 6 workers with their own buildings can fully harvest a rich node (again, if placed just right). The berry specialization perk only doubles the internal storage limit within the berry patch, it doesn’t actually produce more berries.

1 month ago


@paulmcmahon4552 {#paulmcmahon4552}

you can place roads through any resources other than Berries, and they will all relocate to a random location, Just to confirm, Berries will be deleted and not relocate.


The marketplace is a residential location. It provides the mechanism to supply burgage plots. Use

The marketplace is free to place. It uses the flexible plot system. Stall places are visible during placement. It does not require construction time. Multiple marketplaces can exist, although if this is the case, it is not known if the location or capacity of each marketplace affects the process of setting up stalls.

Once placed, a few families employed at building types with a stall will come here to setup a stall. The stall types are ⚡fuel, food, and clothing. These families can be assigned to resource production buildings or storage buildings like the granary to distribute food, or the storehouse which can provide firewood. This will not typically be all the families assigned to that building, just one or two. Each family that operates a marketplace stall takes up one space.

Each stall can hold 50📦 generic storage or 50🧺 pantry storage for distribution. They will all distribute their resources to nearby burgage plots and additionally in the case of fuel, any extra buildings that also require fuel. Sometimes family members will visit the marketplace and do a "peddling" action at the stall. There can also be various voices heard advertising goods or discussing the sales of items, but this appears to be mainly for flavor and atmospheric reasons rather than having a gameplay purpose.

Supplying burgage plot residents well with a varied selection of resources increases approval. By contrast, if there are not enough resources to fully supply all plots, those closest to the market location will get served first.

patch points

1: May 31, 2024 (0.7.972)

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Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya DDan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dna Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam TTiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu Quick Start →

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Allahu akhbar Kabiiraa

Walhamdu lillaahi katsiraa

Wa subhannallahi bukratan wa ashilaa

La ilaaha ilallaahuu Wahdahuu ;laa syariika lah

Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu Yuhyii wa yumiitu Wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai'in qadir

Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya DDan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dna Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam TTiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu Du'a →


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