
Before you start, make sure to back up every file that is now on your system. If this is the first time a non-native operating system is going to be installed on your computer, it is quite likely you will need to re-partition your disk to make room for Debian GNU/Linux.

We belong to Allah,

We belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return (Al-Baqarah 2:156). To Him is (due all) praise in the first (life) and the Hereafter (Quran 28:70), and His is the (final) decision.

Before you start, make sure to back up every file that is now on your system. If this is the first time a non-native operating system is going to be installed on your computer, it is quite likely you will need to re-partition your disk to make room for Debian GNU/Linux.

Quick Start

  1. Before you start, make sure to back up every file that is now on your system.
  2. If non-native operating system is going to be installed on your computer, don't panic,
  3. Follow the prompts and instructions
  4. , it is quite likely you will need to re-partition your disk to make room for Debian GNU/Linux.
  5. Debian GNU/Linux was my first, did you know?

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