15, Allée du Triboulet 78100 St-Germain en Laye
Email: daniel@glazman.org
Phone: +33 6 0791 0256
French citizenship


Jun-2017 to present

Development Director

  • Define and implement a new corporate strategy based on a redefinition/cleanup of the product line
  • Organize better the relationships between the Sales team and the Client team building projects for customers
  • Define and implement new marketing strategies in relation with the new strategy mentioned above
  • Refine commercial proposals for a better legal protection of the company
  • Help the R&D team productize and market its current prototypes
Mar-2008 to Oct-2015
World Wide Web Consortium

Co-Chairman of the CSS Working Group

  • Daily management of all activities of the CSS Working Group
  • Prioritization of efforts
  • Resolution of crisis between W3C Members or between W3C and Members
  • Organization of weekly conference calls and quarterly face-to-face meetings
  • Reports to W3C management
  • Editorship of several CSS specifications
  • Liaison with other Working Groups of the W3C, Management Team of the W3C and other Standards Bodies like IDPF
  • Speaker at multiple Conferences and Workshops world-wide about the Web, CSS, Digital Publishing (and in particular EPUB)

When I took over the co-chairmanship of the CSS Working Group, it was on the verge of extinction with only ten active members and no Standard published in eleven years. The CSS Working Group is now one of the most productive Working Groups of the W3C, with more than 35 active members and 60+ new specifications on its radar.

I was also, both as CSS WG Co-chairman and member of that Group, actively involved in several extra standardization or standards' management activities:

  • Digital Publishing Interest Group
  • Houdini Task Force
  • W3C Advisory Committee
  • W3C Process Task Force
  • Change Tracking Markup Community Group

And I was finally an implementor of the Standards discussed in the CSS Working Group and at IDPF in my products Quaxe, BlueGriffon, BlueGriffon EPUB Edition and BlueGriffon EPUB3 Validator (see below).

Oct-2003 to present
Disruptive Innovations SAS

CEO / Founder

I founded this software company back in october 2003 to focus on Open Source software, Web Standards, rendering engines and editors.

  • Nvu, a wysiwyg HTML/XHTML editor based on Mozilla/Gecko for Linspire Inc..

    Back in 2005, Nvu was the only Open Source WYSIWYG editor available on all platforms. In 2006, it had 3.5 million users world-wide. KompoZer is a fork of Nvu.

  • Etna, a wysiwyg XML Relax-NG-based editor also based on Mozilla/Gecko for Rice University, Houston, TX, USA.

    That editor was based on a new Relax-NG parser and validator designed and implemented by us.

  • Wengo for Firefox, a VoIP add-on for Firefox 1.5 for Neuf, a French Telecom Operator

    This add-on to Firefox was based on Wengo's binary libs and offering a UI fully integrated to Firefox for SIP calls, presence and chats.

  • PlanTwit, a twitter+geolocation client based on Mozilla for PagesJaunes, the french Yellow Pages.

    Based on XULRunner, this application is a social application allowing to easily find a restaurant, bar or night-club around the user's current location on one hand, a communication channel for users and restaurant owners based on twitter on the other.

  • OutWit, a data aggregator based on Mozilla and distributed as an add-on to Firefox and a standalone XULRunner-based applicaton.

  • BlueGriffon, a new wysiwyg HTML/XHTML editor based on Mozilla XULRunner offering full support for HTML5, CSS 2 and 3, SVG, MathML, etc.

    BlueGriffon does not share code with its ancestor Nvu and was completely rewritten from scratch. Its architecture is much more extensible than Nvu's and I have written many useful add-ons to BlueGriffon (Templates Manager, CSS Editor, Project Manager, ...). It's currently the only modern WYSIWYG editor available on the market for all platforms and offering full UI for HTML5, CSS 3, CSS Media Queries, WebFonts, SVG, MathML and more.

  • BlueGriffon EPUB Edition, the only cross-platform Wysiwyg EPUB2/EPUB3 editor in the world implementing entirely EPUB2 and EPUB3 specifications. This software is also based on Mozilla XULRunner.
  • BlueGriffon EPUB3 Validator, an EPUB3 validator distributed as an add-on to Firefox.

  • Quaxe, a new code environment for developers allowing to build native applications for both desktop and mobile systems entirely in html5, CSS and a scripting language.

  • many add-ons to Firefox and Mozilla-based standalone applications, for us or for third-parties.

  • we contracted for many corporations, academia and governmental organizations around the globe, helping them on global strategy or integration of Web Standards. We contracted for instance for Adobe Systems bringing our Web Standards' expertise to their effort on CSS Regions, CSS Exclusions and Shapes and CSS Page Templates, or the famous french newspaper Le Monde, integrating XUL-based components into their IT infrastructure.
The company, a Member of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), is profitable since its inception.
Sep-2013 to Jun-2014
Samsung Research America

Web Technologies Lead

  • Co-chair the W3C CSS Working Group on behalf of Samsung
  • Lead the Open Source Group's Web team, contributing to Web Standards, WebKit, Blink and Servo
  • Drastically increase Samsung's visibility and participation in Web Standards
  • Define Samsung's Web strategy with respect to Open Source rendering engines, new features to implement in those engines
  • Contribute to Samsung's long-term strategy with respect to Web-based OSes, multi-threaded and/or 64bits rendering engines
  • Contribute to Mozilla Servo
Nov-2000 to Jul-2003
Netscape Communications Corp.

Sr. Software Engineer

  • Integration of the Cascading StyleSheets (CSS) into the Web content editor of Netscape/Mozilla, Composer. Implementation of several add-ons to Composer : a CSS editor, a Table of Contents manager, a Slide editor.
  • Maintainance of the C++ code of the editor, fixing defects, improving HTML editing rules and caring about the conformance to World Wide Web Consortium standards.
  • Implementation of CSS 3 Selectors into Gecko, the Style Engine of Netscape/Mozilla. Maintainance of the C++ code of the CSS Style Engine.
  • Implementation of CSS Object Model (DOM Level 2 Style) features.
  • Principal Engineer on the AOL Anvil project, a new Web content editor based on Gecko. Designed and/or implemented many new features of the Gecko editor for this project : CSS improvements, support for absolute positioning and z-index, resizing of images/tables/boxes, table manipulation UI, ...
  • Mozilla.org's Module Owner of Editor and Composer, worked on a standalone Composer to match Mozilla Firebird (later known as Firefox) and Mozilla Thunderbird in the new Mozilla roadmap.
  • Member of the CSS Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium on behalf of Netscape/AOL. Editor/Author of four Modules of CSS 3: CSS 3 Selectors, CSS 3 Media Queries, CSS Object Model, CSS 3 Speech.
2000 Halogen France, Consulting Company and Web Agency
  Chief Technology Officer

Recruitment of the technical team; supervision of the technological choices and projects for the customers ; participation in the standardisation committees (including W3C) ; organisation of an R&D group.

Invited Expert to the CSS Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium. Editor of two Working Drafts of CSS 3.

2000 Amazon.fr
  Chief Technology Officer

All activities covered by a confidentiality agreement.

1994 - 2000 Electricité de France (EDF), R&D Division
Jan. 1999 to Jan. 2000 Internet Applications & Infrastructure Team Manager

The missions of this team were divided in three parts : observe the emerging technologies and associated markets, implement those considered interesting for the company, and develop the software products the company needs if the market cannot provide them. In this last case, the launch of a spin-off is systematically studied. The team got involved in the following projects: web-based mailing lists server, e_commerce, GroupWare, smartcards, video broadcast over IP, voice browsers, web hosting, web-based 1-to-n file transfers, stylesheets, XML transformations, security.

Aug. 1996 to Dec. 1998 EDF+Gaz de France (GDF) Web Team Technical Manager

This team was an internal web contractor. The missions of this team ranged from consultancy to web site development and hosting, including database gateways, search engines, ....

Dec. 1995 to Jan. 2000 EDF Web Infrastructure Lead

Editor of the EDF-GDF technical recommendations for the publication of corporate information on the web (internet and intranet).

Definition of the EDF internet and intranet infrastructure.

EDF Advisory Committee Representative at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Member of the HTML Working Group (until Dec. 1997) and CSS+FP Working Group of the W3C. Contributed to HTML 4.0 and CSS2 specifications.

Author of the STTS (transformation language for HTML and XML documents based on the CSS syntax) proposal submitted by EDF to the W3C.

Member of the EDF Board dealing with "Electronic media and Corporate Communication" responsible for the definition of the public image of EDF on the Web.

Oct. 1997 to Dec. 1998 Project Manager

Development of an authenticated internet access solution, deployed all over EDF (130,000 users), associating a unique account/password to all EDF employees. The solution consists of hardware (Unix servers), public software (Squid, PHP, PerlDAP), commercial software (Oracle, X.500 directory) and internally developed software (a web-based administration tool with a tree-based view of the company and three levels of privileges : super-administrator, administrator, user). All accounts are associated to an internal cost code.

April 1997 Proposed by EDF, on request of the French Prime Minister, for a position in the Cabinet of the Minister of Education, in charge of the deployment of Internet access in schools, libraries, public Laboratories and Universities.
April. 1994 to Aug. 1996 Research Engineer. Deployment of an infrastructure, from navigators to proxies, for web access to the Internet over all EDF.
Creation of the first EDF web site (for R&D Division) in Sept. 1994.
Development of a HTTP-based file transfer tool for our web contributors.
Organizer of the International Conference "WWW : present and future" in Paris, first of its kind in France.
Jan-1992 to Dec-1993 GRIF S.A., Software vendor (SGML solutions)
  Software Engineer and System Engineer

Member of the technical team developing the core of the Grif SGML editor where I did the first Wysiwyg implementation of the CALS tables in an SGML editor in 1993.

Network and system administrator of the company.

Jan-1991 to Dec-1993 Personal work

Designed, implemented (X11) and released a Mail User Agent called MEUF that became later the second known implementation of MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) with full support of multiple attachments, inline images, videos and audios, multiple character sets and even multipart alternatives. MEUF also implemented the X-Faces header offering a visual representation of all emails.


Aug. 1990 to Jan. 1991 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
3D graphics in C* and C/Paris languages on a CM-2a Connection Machine.
April 1989 to July 1989 GIPSI S.A., Saint-Quentin en Yvelines.
Complete development of a scanning tool for X-Window Unix workstations with a SCSI scanner.



Engineer diploma obtained in July 1991.
Computer science and telecommunications.

Sept. 1986 to July 1989 ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE.

Engineer diploma obtained in July 1989.
Mathematics, Fundamental physics and Computer science.

ECIS Mathematics, Brussels


French Mother tongue.
English Fully bilingual.
Swedish Fluent.
Spanish Fluent.
Others Ability to read/understand Norwegian and read Danish.


1996 - 2000 Moderator of the fr.emplois.* Usenet hierarchy (French speaking equivalent to misc.jobs.*). About 29,000 job offers published in 1998. Webmaster of the associated web site.
Dec. 1998 Author of a book about CSS2 stylesheets (the first one world-wide) published by Eyrolles.