veggie Plot


٧🕊️﴿﴾🕊️﴿٥٨﴾ وَٱلۡبَلَدُ ٱلطَّیِّبُ یَخۡرُجُ نَبَاتُهُۥ بِإِذۡنِ رَبِّهِۦۖ وَٱلَّذِی خَبُثَ لَا یَخۡرُجُ إِلَّا نَكِدࣰاۚ كَذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ نُصَرِّفُ ٱلۡـَٔایَـٰتِ لِقَوۡمࣲ یَشۡكُرُونَ


Important note: families who have a veggi or apple extension won’t work on those fields if they have jobs. You’ll get a message saying x is full. You need to make sure those families aren’t working jobs when its time to harvest otherwise all that produce is going to rot (especially apples as they only harvest them in September). You might think that upgrading those plots to lvl 2 or 3 will do the job but that doesn’t work either. For some reason those types of plots allow its families to keep to keep their manual labor jobs such as mining, so they still will be part of the manual labor work force (at least in my play through). To work around this issue, click on the burgage plot and go to the inhabitants and click reassign. Assign all those families to one or two work places. Once you have all those families in one area, unassign them from work (especially in September).

u/CMDR_Agony_Aunt #####

When you first build the plots then they will need to plough the yard. People often complain that this takes them away from any assigned job they have, while often people say they do their other job rather than plough the yard. Generally i don't bother about it, just let them plough as they will.

It takes 3 years for a
veggie plot to become 100%
productive, but you'll get
some veggies first year
after setting it up, even
if only partially ploughed.

Making it a double plot is worth it as it gives each family member more time to hold a job and work the yard. I usually make the backyards quite big, about 1 morgen, and plan it to be upgraded to level 3, so 4 families.

u/djpiratecat 6h ago

I tend to assign families with vegetable plots to be gravediggers, because most of the time they have no work to do there and will focus more time on their gardens. Most other jobs will take them away too much, and being unassigned works pretty well if there are numerous unassigned families but if not they'll get pulled into construction and ox-guiding too often (assuming you don't have anyone assigned to the stables).

Another thing is that I think it's vital to build your
vegetable gardens in multi-family plots, and once I get
to upgrading they're usually the first I'll get up to
Level 3 so they can have 4 families. A single family
focussed on the garden should get more yield than you're experiencing, but it really takes multiple to fully harvest a decent sized plot. I won't necessarily make all 4 families be gravediggers, but certainly 2 or 3 depending how large the plot is.

u/snowflakehaswag 4h ago

Try to make the plot large with two families and check for rye fertility they grow the best there

u/CMDR___Agony___Aunt 2h ago

Veggie plots (and apples) are totally unaffected by region fertility.

u/OKImHere 6h ago

I'm told they now take 5 years to fully get going. Might be why. I have the same issue but no solution, sorry.

u/CMDR_Agony_Aunt 2h ago
3 years. Its now 5 years for apples.

Redo: (mc/edit-ends-of-lines)
edo: (mc/edit-ends-of-lines) Redo: (mc/edit-ends-of-lines)

u/Hydra680 3h ago

Typically why there isn't a harvest is because they're
too busy with something else.
If they're large plots
and the families aren't working, I'm not sure what the
issue would be. I have just 3 plots/duplex families and
currently make a very large surplus. If you want to try and make them unemployed without micromanagement, build a logging camp, and once completed relocate the camp but freeze the building process. Then, you can assign the veggie family plots to the unfinished logging camps. That way, they're considered employed at the unfinished logging camp but don't do anything except harvesting vegetables

u/Hofflabob 5h ago

I think the biggest issue for you is the time it takes to get the plot producing. From my my recent play through, the veggie plots took multiple years until the start producing full yield.

u/PowerfulCheesecake48 4h ago

I never have problems with
vegetables. I don't have to
assign vegetable families
to special jobs. Zero micro
management. In my current playthrough I just reached large town with 51 families. 47 is the minimum1 . The extra 4 come from my 1 apple orchard and 1 vegetable plot. I build each of those plots 2 corpse pits by 3 corpse pits in size. Only 1 burgage plot occupies the space with the extra housing extension. Once you build the extra house on it there are 2 families living there that farm the patch. When it is upgraded to tier 3 there are 4 families living there. This results in plenty of labor farming vegetables and apples. I just built my second granary because I had too much bread, 400+ vegetables, 400ish berries, couple hundred eggs, and the apple orchard is now mature so I expect that to get into the hundreds as well. I have 6 families farming 6 fields amounting to about 6.5 morgan of wheat, barley, and flax combined. I'm switching some wheat to fallow so I don't create more bread storage issues.


(technically 45 if you didn't have the manor built)

u/CMDR_Agony_Aunt 2h ago

When you first build the plots then they will need to plough the yard. People often complain that this takes them away from any assigned job they have, while often people say they do their other job rather than plough the yard. Generally i don't bother about it, just let them plough as they will.

It takes 3 years for a
veggie plot to become 100%
productive, but you'll get
some veggies first year
after setting it up, even
if only partially ploughed.

Making it a double plot is worth it as it gives each family member more time to hold a job and work the yard. I usually make the backyards quite big, about 1 morgen, and plan it to be upgraded to level 3, so 4 families.

u/Mr_Kroepoek 1h ago

A vegetable garden should be part of a double burgage plot so more families can work on the garden. The size of the plot is also important. Tacticat on YouTube has the best tips for this. Basically, you can make burgage plots according to the size of corpse pits. The best layout is two double burgage plots and the size of 3 corpse pits (L-shaped). The walking distance for the families here is short so the harvesting goes quicker.


development branch



If you're going to do veggies always make sure your burgage plot can get the additional house extension. That way you'll have two families working it. Same with apples


@oliverholmes210 {#oliverholmes}

A great note to the veggie plots is the bigger the size the more people you need living there. I had one massive field plot that got less then a quarter of the output I was hoping for because it was level one house

style #####

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