Tips & Tricks Two (t&t [2])


I started to make dedicated storages. A dedicated clothing storage, a dedicated firewood storage and then dedicated food storage.
Only the stuff I sell at the markets.
Then I made a Granary and a storage for the other stuff.
It make a HUGE difference. Massive one.

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Few tips: At the farmhouse you can designate the area with a circle where the people will only be working at the advanced tab, just like with the logging camp. That way people in the farmhouse won't go all the way over to another farm on the other side of your area.
Press TAB anytime to see the yield of a field and having small fields and more farmhouses helps a lot and you're right: you only need people in them in autumn, unless they didn't finish the plowing and seeding. Then they can finish it in march. You can still have a full yield that year, if that happens.
More storehouses and dedicated storehouses for stuff you haul a lot helps a lot too, same goes for graneries & trading posts.

Keep an eye on the amount of market stalls and how many houses they can support. A few times you didn't have enough for that many houses. 1 or 2 cobblers (early game) will easily make you lots of gold by selling shoes instead of leather. Same goes for warbows1 (early/mid-game) and helmets2 (mid/endgame) . You have so many families, selling higher end stuff would got you to 1 mil much faster. Great content. Thanks so much! Cheers

2 months ago (edited)


(only 1 plank to make)


(only 1 iron slab to make)


Tip#1: build your first and second houses as a long and thin(enough to allow living extension) strip of land and assign it to produce. Carrots. You'll have food stock and variety with hunt and berries.

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Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya DDan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dna Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam TTiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu Du'a →


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