bear::'Another excellent way to deepen your engagement and Ilm with Quran'
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Allahu akhbar Kabiiraa
Walhamdu lillaahi katsiraa
Wa subhannallahi bukratan wa ashilaa
La ilaaha ilallaahuu Wahdahuu ;laa syariika lah
Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu Yuhyii wa yumiitu Wa huwa 'alaa kulli syai'in qadir
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Allah Maha Besar sebesar - besarnya Dan puji-pujian bagi Allah sebanyak-banyak-nya Dan Maha Suci Allah siang dan malam Tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah saja sendiri tiada sekutu bag-Nya yang memiliki kerajaan dan pujian Yang menghidupkan dan mematikan dan Dia Berkuasa atas segala sesuatuu
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Salam Alum so I'm in the middle it's currently 1:00 a.m. <!-- oh I,|bear have such a story to tell you so I'm trying to do a fast and I've eaten twice in the past 10 days right and then I,|bear was like you know what and I,|bear the reason I'm doing this is I want to increase my Taqua right I,|bear do and I think the best way you can do that is remove worldly stimulation like like eating right just going without eating and it makes you have an appreciation for what you've been given right and I,|bear woke up I,|bear usually go to bed very early the problem with that is pretty much every time I,|bear I go to bed early I,|bear shoot up at like midnight I always happens maybe 1: in the morning 2: a.m. and I,|bear can't sleep again and it's currently I,|bear believe which is fine cuz like FG time and that's cool half one and I'm sitting on my website that I,|bear sit on so one of the Quran translations that I I,|bear -->get the most value out of fits my sort of um understanding of the English language the best in in the translation cuz you know how some translations can speak in a very like like how the quranic Arabic isn't speaking anymore in real life it's a far more Olden older far more Exquisite detailed version of the language that's spoken today more formal more romantic <!-- I,|bear would say as well but I,|bear wanted to give some advice which really some of the ways that that I,|bear get the most out of the Quran I'm going to give you two pieces of advice this is just that from what helps me is find a lot of the translations that you guys will use the one I'm on now has it I,|bear wish I,|bear could show you but I,|bear suck at editing but I,|bear can type in the top right corner any key word so if I,|bear typed in I've actually got typed in right now shaan Satan and 78 verses pop up all 78 in the Quran which mention the word Satan so I'm sitting here at night got nothing better to do I'm going to go write for maybe an hour until I,|bear get tired I,|bear love writing I,|bear can't lie it's one of the be genuinely I,|bear have to say alhamdulillah I'm one of the things I'm most grateful for is writing I,|bear don't know why I,|bear just love it I've always enjoyed writing I,|bear --> think it's because it stimulates your imagination when you're writing things you're picturing ideas and Concepts and it's all just automated and you end up you it's almost like when you read a book you immerse yourself in it when you listen to the audio you don't as much because you're not having to process the information it's just coming in your ears you see where I'm coming from so I'm just flicking through and I I love this so the fact that we have the full complete preserved Revelation that raso Allah brought us --> and I,|bear can just type in any word I want and I,|bear can see exactly what the sun <!-- -- --> Allah is with that key word so here I'm just flicking through flicking through and everything's coming up regarding Satan he promises them and arouses Desires in them and the Satan promises is the only delusion and you can sit and Ponder on that and it's just amazing so this is one of the things that helps me is instead of scrolling on social media giving your eyes to fitner you can just type in any word and and you can take any conclusion from any topic that you would like and <!-- I,|bear think it's amazing the second thing that I'm going to say and this helps me a lot with reading the Quran is when I,|bear read it I speak out loud now I'm of the opinion that man is a majestic Divine creation okay I,|bear the full law of we were given Dominion like I believe all of it but I,|bear I also am going to admit and not to sound robotic that a lot of how we operate as programming based you put bad input into our faculties we'll have a bad output if you allow bad things through your eyes bad things through your ears bad things through your senses you're going to internalize it and then you're going to have bad output correct so when you talk and this is why I really really try now to never speak in a negative tone I,|bear always try and take the positive and not to sound new Agy or anything I,|bear don't mean to do that but like you know I,|bear will never sit and accuse anyone of something I've been given the tongue by alas pan Allah I didn't create it when I,|bear say this I,|bear mean it by the way I,|bear know I,|bear sound like I'm like Pleasant on the the ears but I,|bear I mean every word I say I,|bear didn't make this tongue I,|bear don't quite understand how it even allows me the ability to talk I,|bear think it's divine I,|bear didn't ask for it and it it's free cost me nothing to use cost me little effort to use am I going to go and use that for bad no of course I'm not it's one of the the greatest gifts I,|bear could imagine now how does it benefit you I'm of the opinion that it's like when you point fingers at people right but I,|bear point a finger blaming someone else I've got three pointing back at me the reason people blame other people is because they they don't want their Alibi checked it's always push off into someone else so no one investigates you you don't investigate you right the first person who hears you talk even if you look at it from just a a distance and measurements perspective imagine the sound wave going through the ether whose ears pick it up first your own so everything you say you can slander people behind their back and talk poorly about them text other people this person's this and that this person's this and that you think you're getting away with it but who's picking up on that your eyes are reading it your ears are hearing it and it's going right back into you and now you're creating an internal system which you will project out based on input and output which is now degraded but on the flip side how can we make the most of this and this really helps me a lot when I'm reading Quran cuz it can be a lot of the concepts and the the verbiage that's used is quite it can be quite a lot to digest and while I'm Aller and I,|bear really I do this a lot I,|bear consult people who have incredible ilm when it comes to certain things I,|bear can't quite understand but I'm also a guy who loves applying my own mind to it and trying to come to my own conclusions and one of the ways that helps me get the most at a reading Court am is I,|bear speak it could you imagine over the course of a year if you just did this half an hour a day where half an hour a day it's like it's like scraping out garbage in your gut and replacing it with fruit that was the original point when I turned on the camera by the way is that I woke up at midnight and I,|bear just I,|bear had I I had to say look I,|bear gave my word I,|bear was going to do this it's too hard I'm going to go I,|bear I went to go pineapple apples bananas and butter and I,|bear add it all and I,|bear filled the fast but I'm right back on the wagon tomorrow I'm going to start again and give it my best shot but yeah this is this is what helps me a lot with with reading the Quran this is what helps me get the most out of it is when I,|bear read it I,|bear don't read it silently I,|bear speak it so it's all it's coming back in at twice the r yes it's coming through my eyes but it's now coming through my ears again and when you hear it with more than one sense I think you are sharper in your understanding and it stores in your memory a lot easier this is just my thing and as well as that when you're talking say you're tired and you're reading it if you're just reading it with your eyes it's easy just to be like not that I,|bear ever get like that with that I,|bear generally don't but when you're talking you're using more faculties more senses it's it's stimulating your ears it's stimul your eyes stimulating more of your brain more of your memory more of your processing system so yeah that's my advice helps me a lot and I,|bear think it's always great it's a great Habit to get into anything that you want to know with the Quran you whatever translation you pertain to check if they just have a keyword search cuz I'm sitting here it's half one and I'm going to flick through every verse that involves the word shaan and I'm going to look at it and I'm going to say okay does this apply to my life am I,|bear doing this has this blindsided me can I,|bear make sure I've got no more blind sides that I,|bear can be taken upon see where I'm coming from so yes anyway take careu alayum by the way on a side note I really want to start learning Arabic now because I'm I'm a I'm a big fan of Arabic the Arabic language especially the traditional Arab the Quan's written in a part of me and I,|bear know the Quan doesn't really allude to this well ah it's a different to for a different day but I,|bear think it's a Divine language I'm not going to lie I,|bear think it is the language that the original language that the Angels speak and all that sort of stuff so that's another topic for another day but anyway take care -->