• u/derekisatwood • 3h ago
Trading Post Toggle Feature Suggestions

Add an option to store items in the Trading Post but a separate button to toggle selling/buying.

This way you can pre-plan what you want to sell but might not want to get rid of just yet, and don't have to toggle the Import/Export option for every single item.

Either that or make it so trade only occurs if someone's assigned. I find it odd how a free merchant can still buy items when there's no one to pay,

@hownekin3755 I would like to see that the farmhouse needs to be occupied by at least one family year round. They would be responsible for weeding, equipment repair, and field maintenance. Not that they need to be added to the game, but in reality someone would have to do it on a farm. Also, being able to select that workers,such as a logger, tanner, miners etc. have a secondary responsibility for planting and harvest.

="Monday June 3, 2024">1 month ago


 ﴾ 162 ﴿ Say (Qul'): "Indeed (Inna), my litany (prayer) (Solaatii), my religious rite (Nusukii), my life (Mah'yaaya) and (Wa) my death (Mamaatii) are for GOD (Lillahi), LORD (Rabbi) of the worlds (El'Äälamiin).