

 ﴾ 162 ﴿ Say (Qul'): "Indeed (Inna), my litany (prayer) (Solaatii), my religious rite (Nusukii), my life (Mah'yaaya) and (Wa) my death (Mamaatii) are for GOD (Lillahi), LORD (Rabbi) of the worlds (El'Äälamiin).

{{ BETA() }}


show pony 14 Jul @ 6:05pm
i,showpo like the game i,showpo have Infested some good amount of hours during my holiday on it.
I,showpo got some things that i,showpo think could be better.

Why are forestry huts not working during the winter?1 winter is the best time to plant trees1.

sowing of fields is something normally alwasy happends in the spring. maybe its wise to only do the plowing in november oktober december. frost cracks the dirt. and start seeding in spring. now i,showpo encouter alot of bugs. the farms are getting plowed but because the are not finished in time. . . for some strange reason the begin 100% again in spring. after that the are seeding to late giving meonly 14 barleyfor Example a field 1,4 plots BIG.2 The ratio of farms plots is 8 to 4 farms houses+8 ox. still the ONLY manage to get 3 fields ready and the other 5 fields only 10/15% .

Its also frustrating when the farm workers are in the farms houses processing grane. when the should be on the fields doing plowing and seeding maybe do the processing of grane in december/januari. the button to make them stop processing grane does not really help.

i,showpo also encounter 20 farmers digging in a field. i,showpo got 8 ox ready but the are not used. the farmers are not working very logic. i,showpo prefer 4 ox in one field finishing it. instead of 8 sepearated getting nothing done. because when the are done plowing thats the moment the start seeding.

Farmers bring the grane to the grannary. if your mill is sitting 500 meters furhter away the workers are going to transport it to the mill and then back again when its processed. Its the same for the barley going to the brewery and so on. Its hard to keep the buildings proseccing becuase of the transport. same story for the saw pit. is it possible to deliver strait from the farm in to the shops. the farms have a huge stock room.

When i,showpo want to make a pastury of my crop fields. builders are going to deliver planks. the farmers then remove the planks again so i,showpo can never build the pastury around my crop field. its keep repeating it self.

I,showpo think the amount of logs stored in the forestry hut should go up. 28 is always a little bit low. there are alot of logs laying around in the field but the do not count as a recource so when you want to build like burgers level 3 houses. you have to quit because not enough logs.

When i,showpo attack the baron in a battle for a new area. when i,showpo walk back my units to my own town. it says that i,showpo won. WITH OUT fighting.

is it a idea to get weapons from the people you kill and also the own units that died during battle?

I,showpo bought some expensive armors. i,showpo found out my units i,showpo can produce are not using them? the only take the chain mail.

🐏sheep also die. WHY NO 🥩MEAT🥩🥩 FROM SHEEP?

Redo: (query-replace-regexp 
			"\\b\\([Ii]\\)\\b " 
						"\\1,showpo " nil 

ArcaneGamer 14 Jul @ 10:58pm

  1. maybe they're planting in winter but the saplings don't start growing until spring? idk
  2. 2
    more smaller fields are more productive than fewer larger fields. also, i,Arcane thought automation could be tweaked to prevent resowing fields in Spring
  3. make sure a granary has room; set filters on what allowed, and put the mill next to the farmhouses. This sounds more like a self-inflicted logistics problem than a complaint
  4. i,Arcane don't think it's possible to enclose field in a pasture; the perk that improves field productivity via pasture isn't localized to a field.
    Just build pastures in the region to improve yields with the perk.
    Otherwise, it's a bug.

  5. you,showpo need ox for fields, b/c of the perk you,showpo take, delivering logs to build sites and pulling logs into the logging camp.
    Add more ox and logging camps, don't remove the first logging camp even if it's downtown, and stockpile with more than one camp.
    More ox => logs are pulled into camp(s) as quickly as builders move them to build sites => larger buildings are finished much sooner because logs aren't the bottleneck.
    Self-inflicted logistics problem? Aside, the logistics systems could prob use a rework, but that's another can of worms.

  6. sounds like a bug with baron battles
  7. sounds like a bug with chain mail; sell your chain mail and don't craft more. Also, plate armor is mostly for recruiting retinue, maybe non-retinue doesn't get plate armor by design.
  8. mutton would be a nice enhancement

Yeah, game is EA, and this is a very ambitious project for a solo dev. The fact solo dev got this far shows extreme dedication to his craft. He's prob working 12+ hour days like the Stardew Valley dev for years without a proper break. Given this and hoping the dev doesn't get discouraged, I,Arcane assume dev is dedicated to fix, finish and enhance Manor Lords. And if he's hiring help because the game is a commercial success, those team members will prob take months to get up to speed so that we see the result on our end; more features and fixes sooner.

((6835 t (6826 6828 #<buffer>) "I " #("I,Arcane " 0 1 (fontified t))) (5371 t (5362 5364 #<buffer>) "i " #("i,Arcane " 0 1 (fontified t invisible nil))) (5081 t (5072 5074 #<buffer>) "i " #("i,Arcane " 0 1 (fontified t invisible nil))))