

A 💭⌨️…note on optimizing stable spaces: Use other buildings to reserve oxen that are not close to the building you are trying to optimize first. Once the slots of those other buildings have reserved all animals that are not at an optimal distance, go to the building your are trying to optimize and set the slot reservation with the animal you intend. Then you can unassign all of the other reservations you made.🤔


Have you noticed any issues with veg plots and apple orchards?🤔 I think I remember a note from the beta about making pops not prioritize harvesting these as much over their regular jobs but I'm finding I have to do stuff like assign these pops to do nothing jobs (like an empty rock quarry) just to get them harvested at all. Obviously leaving them unassigned also works but then you have to 😪micromanage😴 that as you're shifting seasonal work around.


The heavy 🖱️clicking is a big problem,🤯 automation and rotation targeting certain limits for the not especialized workers is a must. Especially when you have to start over with a new village. Not only should we be able to set quantity we should be able to define when certain resource should be harvest by the time of the year. If it's early spring go for berrirs, almost summer? Focus on farm. Winter? Cut wood and fire wood. Also The administrative build should be the building that not only set the limits for the tax but should be the one that set limits for the production of goods and allocate the workers so you have a tab for all things production and logistics related. It would be a balance thing too. A new city should be your focus on early stages but at certain point you should laid-back and watch the systems you put in place make it grow. Right now my cities are planed for easy location/🖱️clicking not really by better production.


It's a real solid feeling that SGG1 is helping out on this game. Good overview.


What about this❓:

King's tax: Might have been a little OP, but I found I dealt with it, and I liked how it made me plan. IMO it now seems a little too nerfed.

What about this: Make it family+burgage level based and aligned it with how burgages generate wealth, but start RW generation at T1. This makes it 1/3 the 07960 rate at T1 and 1:1 at T3 compared to charging by residents grouped by 3 into families.

A T3 duplex would generate 9RW/month and be taxed 3T/year. I could see realigning RW generation to the same basis, so T1 generates 1RW per fam, going up to 3 for Tier 3.

From memory, this might align more historically - charging by family.

I'd also add to the difficulty setting to make the choices: 1/2 regular rate, regular rate, and 2x regular rate - to better crowd test the approach.

Will be interested to see how the linear increase in trade routes feels when played. One approach if it feels too generous now - make it modified geometric: route cost = (some fraction: .5 or .25 for example)*(route quantity after new route)^2
Also be interesting to see how it plays/feels now, especially coupled with TactiCats bender apples/veggies - corpse pit surveyed farms.
Snap grid level - 💢Grrrr!😠
Please devs make this finer. Lots of rage-at-screen trying to put down a market stall or get a plot in right. Market stalls are the most infuriating.

@HeyItsMax He's fixing the right things, the core gameplay should not be about tippy toeing around bugs and terrible worker AI, but I cant wait for real prepose / endgame.…


Playing on moderate difficulty the first round, the first 5 years were BRUTAL.🤢 After I stabilized and expanded to 3 quadrants of the map with a total of 800 pop, the game feels a bit too easy now that I can just auto sell/buy at the market to reduce micromanagement.🤷🏼‍♂️ I feel like the game needs more dramatic end game events to challenge me. The other lord throwing 180 troops at me is kind of a joke

Maybe the harder modes will be like that,🤔🤔 I'd just hate to restart this far in lol


 ﴾ 162 ﴿ Say (Qul'): "Indeed (Inna), my litany (prayer) (Solaatii), my religious rite (Nusukii), my life (Mah'yaaya) and (Wa) my death (Mamaatii) are for GOD (Lillahi), LORD (Rabbi) of the worlds (El'Äälamiin).