Posted 2024-03-27 00:00:00 by Protesilaos and tfelypoc ‐ 4 min read

Basics are, associate no partnership in the worship of God

1 AR-RAHMAN: The Beneficent, 2 AR-RAHEEM: The Merciful


Emacs: modus-themes version 4.4.0

protesilaos just published the latest stable release of the Modus themes. You will be redirected to the The change log entry. For any questions, feel welcome to contact protesilaos.

protesilaos will soon install the changes in emacs.git so please wait a little longer for the updates to trickle down to you.

Package name (GNU ELPA): modus-themes (also built into Emacs 28+)
Official manualChange logColour paletteSample pictures○○ ○ ○[GitHub][GitHub]○[GitLab][GitLab]

Git repositories: [GitHub]: [GitLab]: Backronym: My Old Display Unexpectedly Sharpened … themes.



  1. ? record a link to store a link
  2. how you can affect UU ID if you don't like The UU ID ?
  3. another way to ? link to a heading

Instance is no longer blocked by YouTube 🥳

Instance is no longer blocked by YouTube 🥳

Instance is no longer blocked by YouTube 🥳


to show you some new extensions for denote
optional extensions that allow you to
create links that point to denote files
but more specifically to headings inside
of those files this is a feature that is
available ONLY for org mode

? record a link to store a link

to ? record a link to store a link _
will do it with `org-store-link'
this is the standard command you
will notice now something that has happened there is a Protperties drawer here so org created a link which is now a denote link we will see it in a bit it created a link to this file and it also created this Protperties drawer over here and in this link that it recorded that it stored it has a pointer to this unique identifier for this specific heading

so when we are creating the link we have of course the link to where it needs to go and the description okay and denote takes care to ? compose the description from the file and the headings text as _ already explained similarly what it does here for the denote link type it points to the files identifier the unique identifier of each file which is basically the timestamp of the file and then it points to this specific heading identifier inside of that file

how you can affect this if you don't like The UU ID ?

The UU-ID is this long string of alpha
numeric ? characters but can you affect
it ? you can
you can affect this if you don't like The UU ID in
the manual _ explain ?
which is the default and how you can affect this if you don't like The UU ID

so far so good _ inserted a link using the standard facilities

another way to ? link to a heading

another way to ? link to a heading what _ want to do is link to this other file this one over here okay and so what _ will do is

want to link to a file and then to a heading

link to this one let's see what happens _ will do M-x `denote-org-extras'

extras and we have the command link to link-to-heading