CSSshapes part1 by JuliaMiocene

Posted 2024-03-10 00:00:00 by JuliaMiocene and css and tfelypoc ‐ 6 min read

1 AR-RAHMAN: The Beneficent, 2 AR-RAHEEM: The Merciful


11 position: relative;
12 height: 100vh;
13 margin: 0;
16 --black: #00202a;
17 --white: #f8f8f8;
18 --blue: #2348cd;
19 --skin: #f77676;
20 --dark-skin: #cc3c40;
21 --light-skin: #f3af9f;
22 --yellow: #f6d359;
23 --dark-yellow: #e9a964;
1/* ear and hair */
2.person__head {
3 top: -145px; left: 5px;
4 width: 50px; height: 50px;
5 background: var(--dark-skin);
6 border-radius: 50%;
7 box-shadow:
8 /* ear */
9 135px 0 var(--light-skin),
10 /* front hair */
11 120px -40px 0 10px var(--yellow),
12 80px -60px var(--yellow),
13 30px -100px 0 15px var(--yellow),
14 /* back hair */

/* ear and hair / .person__head { top: -145px; left: 5px; width: 50px; height: 50px; background: var(--dark-skin); border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: / ear / 135px 0 var(--light-skin), / front hair / 120px -40px 0 10px var(--yellow), 80px -60px var(--yellow), 30px -100px 0 15px var(--yellow), / back hair */

as a before element because _ have a lot of things behind it so head element I'm gonna use to draw an ear it's just a circle circles and ellipses are rectangles with border radius 50 percent if you see other round elements it's the sign that you can use box Shadow to duplicate the original Circle and also _ can change the size of these duplicates with the fourth number of the Box Shadow property spread Shadows if _ Define spread radiuses for example 10 pixels it will add 10 pixels to all the sides of the original block if _ Define the spread radius as minus 10 pixels it will reduce the original block to 10 pixels from each side