css funk-ies

  • Functions
    1. -moz-image-rect Non-standard Deprecated
    2. abs()
    3. acos()
    4. anchor-size()
    5. anchor()
    6. asin()
    7. atan()
    8. atan2()
    9. attr()
    10. blur()
    11. brightness()
    12. calc()
    13. circle()
    14. clamp()
    15. color-contrast() Experimental
    16. color-mix()
    17. color()
    18. conic-gradient()
    19. contrast()
    20. cos()
    21. counter()
    22. counters()
    23. cross-fade()
    24. device-cmyk()
    25. drop-shadow()
    26. element() Experimental
    27. ellipse()
    28. env()
    29. exp()
    30. fit-content()
    31. grayscale()
    32. hsl()
    33. hue-rotate()
    34. hwb()
    35. hypot()
    36. image-set()
    37. image()
    38. inset()
    39. invert()
    40. lab()
    41. lch()
    42. light-dark()
    43. linear-gradient()
    44. log()
    45. matrix()
    46. matrix3d()
    47. max()
    48. min()
    49. minmax()
    50. mod()
    51. oklab()
    52. oklch()
    53. opacity()
    54. paint()
    55. palette-mix() Experimental
    56. path()
    57. perspective()
    58. polygon()
    59. pow()
    60. radial-gradient()
    61. ray()
    62. rect()
    63. rem()
    64. repeat()
    65. repeating-conic-gradient()
    66. repeating-linear-gradient()
    67. repeating-radial-gradient()
    68. rgb()
    69. rotate()
    70. rotate3d()
    71. rotateX()
    72. rotateY()
    73. rotateZ()
    74. round()
    75. saturate()
    76. scale()
    77. scale3d()
    78. scaleX()
    79. scaleY()
    80. scaleZ()
    81. scroll() Experimental
    82. sepia()
    83. shape()
    84. sign()
    85. sin()
    86. skew()
    87. skewX()
    88. skewY()
    89. sqrt()
    90. symbols()
    91. tan()
    92. translate()
    93. translate3d()
    94. translateX()
    95. translateY()
    96. translateZ()
    97. url()
    98. var()
    99. view() Experimental
    100. xywh()
  • REDO: (sgml-namify-char) 
    REDO: (sgml-tag) Redo: (describe-function 'sgml-tag)print:(sgml-tag &optional STR ARG)
    Redo: (sgml-mode) 
    ;; If you like tags and attributes in uppercase, customize
    ‘sgml-transformation-function’   to ‘upcase’.