|3 | 4 |

application shortcuts

| | | |:--|:--|
| Super Return| kitty😹 (kitty)|
| Super Shift Return| file manager (thunar)|


| | | |:--|:--|
|SUPER 1| switch to workspace 1 |
|SUPER 2| switch to workspace 2 |
|SUPER 1 .. 0| switch to workspace 1 .. 10||

SUPER  Shift  1 .. 0
| move container to workspace 1 .. 10|


Super Returnterm (kitty)
Super qquit (kill focused window)
Super dshow app menu (wofi small)
Super xshow archlinux-logout(lock/suspend/logout/reboot/shutdown)
Super Shift dshow app menu (wofi LARGE)
Super Shift qquit (if fat-fingers)
Super Escapekill application
Super Shift r(hyprland reload)

#term#kitty!✅ killactive, #menu #D ✅ fullscreen emacs#vim#code xfce4-terminal##term pavucontrol conky-toggle rofi-theme-selector togglefloating #files hyprctl reload killactive #fullmenu #DD