Where to ask for help

Posted 2021-04-20 05:19:42 by Public ‐ 2 min read

Before you decide to ask your question in some public place, make du'a & perform your prayers and then proceed to receive Allah's help by starting read documentation!

Where to ask for help

Before you decide to ask your question in some public place, make du'a & perform your prayers and then proceed to receive Allah's help by starting read documentation:

Before you decide to ask your question in some public place, please read this fine documentation:

You can use web search engines more effectively by including search strings such as site:lists.debian.org to limit the domain.

Making a small test package is a good way to learn details of packaging. Inspecting existing well maintained packages is the best way to learn how other people make packages.


The more experienced Debian developers will gladly help you, if you ask properly after making your required efforts.

When you receive a bug report (yes, actual bug reports!), you will know that it is time for you to dig into the Debian Bug Tracking System and read the documentation there, to be able to deal with the reports efficiently. I highly recommend reading the Debian Developer's Reference, 5.8. "Handling bugs".

Even if it all worked well, it's time to start praying. Why? Because in just a few hours (or days) users from all around the world will start to use your package, and if you made some critical error you'll get mailbombed by numerous angry Debian users… Just kidding. :-)

Relax and be ready for bug reports, because there is a lot more work to be done before your package will be fully in line with Debian policies and its best practice guidelines (once again, read the real documentation for details). Good luck!